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My Rock - Art * Studio

Making Every Art-Work Count

About: Welcome

Who Am I?

The Risen Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth

My Name has been known for centuries and over the millennia. 


Splattered Paint
About: About
Artist Painting a Mural

My Story

My Name 

One name, Jesus, the name above all names. 

How many times has my name been used to harm, hurt, betray, and cut?

My Name - means, "Savior" .

This is my name, not anyone else's name, and yet, so many times, my name has been the cause of war. 

My Identity is no secret, but to those who have taken my name and used it to wield power that opposes me, it is a disgrace. 

My name, Savior, will reveal the most powerful salvation to even those, who have tried to take my power from me. 

Do not Mock Me - "Father - Forgive Them - For they Know Not what they Do" - Ask - and I will forgive You. 

But if you continue to use my name to wield power to join in with the Kingdom of Darkness, You will be destroyed as it is written: 

About: About Me
About: About
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